Introduction: In this lab we will be inspecting closely to the concept of work-kinetic energy theorem by conducting four different experiments. First experiment is "Work done by a constant force", in this experiment we will be using a cart with a mass and force sensor and a counter weight attached to a string. The second experiment is "work done by a non constant force, using night the same track setup done in experiment 1. however instead of the tension cable and hanging mass, we will be using a spring force attached to the end of the of track. The third experiment is "Kinetic Energy And The Work-Kinetic Energy Principle", This experiment involves another cart track setup, but this time we will have the spring on the cart while it is heading towards the motion sensor. Finally we will do experiment four which is more of a analytic experiment than a involved one, this involves watching a video titled "Work KE theorem cart and machine for Phys 1.mp4. We will be watching and stopping the video at key points to analyse the force vs position for the machine stretching the rubber band in the video. As we watch the video we will be recording all measurements, that we will use for the final part of the experiment, calculating the final speed and using it to plot a force vs distance graph of the rubber band and the machine pulling it.
This setup for EXPT 1 is mass pulley system, with a cart on the track and a hanging mass attached to the rear end of the car. In front of the track there is a motion detector and on top of it is force sensor. These two sensors are used to collect data used for the analysis in this experiment.
For EXPT 2 and EXPT 3, the setup will change from that of expt 1. This setup will involves a spring force. This setup will allow us to test both non-constant forces and the work- kinetic energy principle. For EXPT 2
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