Monday, March 13, 2017

13-03-2017 Free Fall Lab

Introduction: For this lab we will be looking at the determination of g by using an apparatus to study of the basic laws of motion, demonstrating a free falling body.

Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to examine the absence of all other external forces except gravity.

This is the apparatus used in the experiment. To us the apparatus we must first pull a piece of paper between the vertical wire ad the vertical post of the device. Second turn the dial hooked up to the electromagnet up a bit. Third hang the wooden cylinder with the metal ring around the electromagnet. Fourth turn on the power on the sparker thing. Fifth hold down the spark button on the box. Sixth turn the electromagnet off, so the thing falls. Seventh turn off the power to the sparker thing. Finally tear off the paper strip and set up the spark paper,to obtained the data for the next portion of the lab.


This data shown above shows us the value for g for the object that falls on the apparatus and statistical data for our experiment. As we can see the avg value for our g constant is 962.852 m/s^2. 

1 comment:

  1. Look at your purpose statement. Maybe "an object falling?"

    Apparatus description. Tell the principle involved. As the object falls the device makes a spark recording the object's position every 1/60th of a second. So we can get position vs time data from the apparatus.

    You need your time, position, ∆x, etc. columns from excel and your v vs. mid interval time graph with a linear fit and your position vs. time graph with a quadratic fit.
    There are a couple of questions for part 1 of the lab.

    Presently you have nothing about what the table in part 2 is about. Wants some discussion of standard deviation and what it means, and some questions in part 2 of the lab too, and a discussion of systematic and random errors.
