Monday, March 6, 2017

Lab 1: Finding a relationship between and period for an internal balance. 8-Mar-2017

  • Purpose: In this lab we are trying to highlight the relationship between mass and period for inertial balance. To do this we need to measure the period of oscillation for a bunch of different masses, that we can use to develop a mathematical model of the relationship between period and added mass. 

   This is the inertial pendulum that we will use to find the relationship between mass and period. This device allows us to record oscillations that occur during movement. The pendulum has a metal tray attached to two springy pieces of metal. So when we give the metal a pus, it will vibrate back and forth. this is how we will record our oscillations.

To obtain the data for this lab, we first must record the oscillations from the pendulum, using a motion sensor. First we start with no mass to test the sensor reading then we start adding the masses from 0 to 800, and record the time it takes to complete one oscillation on LoggerPro.

This is graph that  details the parameters of the experiment. Where we used the motion sensor to determine the period and distance the oscillations traveled.

During the day of the lab, we measured the oscillations that took place on the spring pendulum, then took the raw data the you above, and came up with an equation to find the unknown mass. After that we were able to conclude that that are range of masses for this experiment were between 275<m<325.

1 comment:

  1. Nice intro. Clear and concise.
    Right after you talk about measuring periods for masses 0 - 800 grams I'd put in THAT data table rather than later.

    The next graph you show is ln T vs. ln (m + Mtray). (This is what we actually want. You have the axes reversed).
    Your blog would benefit from a discussion of why you are plotting that particular graph.
    A good order would be:
    --Power law equation
    --ln form
    --what will be plotted on the y axis and on the x-axis
    --what the slope and y-intercept of that graph will tell you
    --how you are going to find the mass of the tray

    (This is part about adjusting the value until the line is as straight as possible, judging by the correlation being close to 1).

    Then your fit graphs. (You show one of them)
    (Some description of the fact that there are a range of values for Mtray that give you a "best" fit, so there will be more than one value of Mtray and the A and n that go with it).

    Then your derived upper and lower bounds for you fit equation.
    Then your measured periods of the unknowns.
    Then your calculation of their masses (upper and lower bounds)
    Then a table with your results for the unknowns, comparing them with the electronic balance results.
    Then your sources of uncertainty.
