The setup for this lab will involve a frictionless cart with a strong magnet on one end approaches a fixed magnet of the same polarity. when the cart is at the position of closest approach to the fixed magnet, the carts KE is momentarily zero and all of the energy in the system is stored in the magnetic field as magnetic potential energy, then rebounds back. whatever is stored as PE will be converted back as KE.
Purpose: As stated in the intro, the purpose of this lab is to find the equation and the distance between the cart and the magnet attached to the wall. We do this in order to pinpoint the exact moment the magnets interact before repulsing each other. When the art is at the position of the closest approach to the fixed magnet the carts kinetic energy is zero and the energy is stored in the system.
These picture you see here are the diagram what we will be looking for and provide a more visual representation f what i described above.
The pictures you see right here are the graphical representation of of the experiment we just conducted. In the first picture the graph is that of the first trial with all the initial conditions intact. There the sensor pick up a velocity of 0.544 m/s and when we took the integral of the graph and got a energy reading of 0.4359 N*s, the second trial we added a 200 g mass to the cart which in turn gave us a higher energy reading of .5786 N*s, but lower velocity of .528 m/s. this is expected as the more the mass a particle has, lower the velocity and higher the energy it will. The third trial has a different setup from that of trials 1 and 2. For trial 3 we had the track setup at an incline with varying increments of theta with it. The cart would then be sent down the incline we recorded the separation distance between the cart on the incline and the magnet at the end. The data table above the graph, is the varying heights and degree levels we used for the experiment. After the trials conducted we have found the separation distance before KE is transferred to the magnets as GPE is approx. 2.35 cm. with a height of 3.4 cm at 6.5°. The lab also asked us to find an equation to relate the transfer of energy between two particles. We used an improper integration and what found to be our equation is 4.35* 10^-5 * r^-1.449.
Conclusion: After running the trials we managed to find our equation and separation distance. There were however sources of uncertainty sand error that may play into effect of the data and equation we found for thelab. One source of uncertainty was the timing cart, as we did had some accounts of miss--timing when we let the cart roll down the track. Another source of certainty may be the level of the track, we did have problem leveling the track for the second part of the experiment. This leveling had an impact to the cart's velocity which also explains the velocity readings in our graphs above.